What is Humanism?
Humanist beliefs do vary from one Humanist to the next, however, there are some important principles that we believe all Humanists should hold dear;
Under Scottish Law Humanism is treated as a religion for the purposes of marriage, though many humanists may consider themselves 'agnostic' or 'aethist' rather than 'religious'.
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- Humanism is an ethical life stance; Humanists decide what is right and what is wrong based on moral judgements and respect for others.
- Humanists look to science to understand the world we live in rather than to gods or deities.
- Humanists have compassion and respect for fellow human beings.
- Humanists believe in separation of state and religion, as a secular state is better placed to put the needs of it's people first.
- Humanists believe that through working with others we can create a better world for everyone.
Under Scottish Law Humanism is treated as a religion for the purposes of marriage, though many humanists may consider themselves 'agnostic' or 'aethist' rather than 'religious'.
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